Systemy sprzedaży

PC-Market - Software for Stores

INSOFT is a producer of computer software for retail systems.

Established: 1991
Line of business: software production and development
Specialization: retail systems
References: over 16 000 companies (see partial list below)

PC-Market 7 - Complete Software Solution for Retail
Insoft offers full range of applications for the retail industry. PC-Market software has a intuitive and easy-to-use user interface with multilingual support. PC-Market can manage a standalone store or can be combined with Merchant Console to create an integrated system for the retail chain management. >>

PC-Market 7 - Software for Stores, Supermarkets nad Retail Chains
PC-Market 7 is an application designed for stores and supermarkets. PC-Market 7 is compatible with equipment used in stores: Fiscal cash registers, Fiscal printers, Portable stocktake scanners, Barcode printers, Barcode scanners, Electronic weighing scales, Price checkers. PC-Market 7 provides dozens of different types of reports, including: Financial, Quantity and value, Advanced analyses. >>

PC-POS 7 - Point of Sale Software
PC-POS 7 is a cash register program for POS computer terminals (Point Of Sale). PC-POS 7 combined with PC-Market 7 makes an integrated system for retail business management. PC-POS 7 provides an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface compatible with touch screens and specialized keyboards. >>

Software for the Retail Chain Management
Retail chains use different organizational ideas to optimize their performance. Therefore Insoft offers different solutions for alternative organizational designs of retail chains. Multilingual versions allow the introduction of a uniform system for the entire chain of stores regardless of location. ERP system interfaces offer seamless integration between retail chain and Head Office >>

Merchant Console – Support for the Retail Chain Management
PC-Market 7 combined with Merchant Console software offers full support for retail chain management >>

Mini-Market - a simple and intuitive program to conduct the sale in chain stores
Mini-Market is a software to keep stores managed from the Head Office. In such a solution Mini-Market works on its local database and exchanges data on-line with a central database. All operations of the are focused on sales and customer service, while other activities are minimized and automated >>

PC-Market - Where to Buy in the United Kingdom ?
Partners in the UK who offer sales, implementation and support of PC-Market software for stores >>
  • Contact:
    Insoft sp. z o.o.
    ul. Jasna 3A
    31-227 Kraków, Poland
    tel./fax (0048 012) 415-23-72